Shout Out!!

Ok.. Got 1 good news and 1 bad news.

Good news is, finally we have almost completed our Mid-Term examinations! Only QT 2 go! So everyone gambateh!! xD

The bad news is... After QT, then straight away we begin our Mid Term 2!!! YAY! DAM HAPPY WEH! T.T

But anyway... those groups that still havent completed thier assignments, its not a time to linger around and laze..... Ok? Laern like Young's group!! We burned the candle until 2am last night!!!! xD Bin Li and Bee Yoke's side oso still MSN-ing until tat time. Week 8 is coming, and we have a lot to do if we're going to stick together for the next semseter! Everyone keep it up ok?!!

Dun giv up!! Anything cant handle de......
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