Shout Out!!

Poll Result - Stranded on an Island fer 5 years?
So... If God gave you that one person you would bring onto an island fer 5 years b4 you will be saved.... you chose... wow... 3 people!!!

Kelly Beh
most propably cause of the tong sui.... xDD
Yee Hong
What else? Oni fela who can protect ppl here.
Bee Yoke
U wan me add wat? X her oso can lieve another day rite? =.=''

Seriously... Haha. But still... no one would want to state their reasons so in a way its sien.... =.=''

The other results are:

Jake 5
Cheng You 4
Winnie 3
Young 3
Li Ting 2
WeiLee 2
Jessica 2
Siew Li 2
Bin Li 1
Zhi Wang 1 (Oii vote wattttt)
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